
Most people interested in developing new programming languages or programming environments are looking at how to improve the syntax and semantics of the program text or at tools that help make programmers more productive at crafting the program text. What we need is a more fundamental change to the conception of what a program is.

Semprola introduces a new, semiotic programming environment in which we program with signs in a context, rather than with symbols in a text file and where we treat dialogue rather than functions as the dominant organising principle of our code.

All of the information held in this environment is managed in a distributed, semiotic graph that is organized into multiple ontological spaces. Taken together these enable our programs and data to have greater semantic depth. The semiotic graph is constructed out of a single, data structure called a nodedge, that forms both the nodes and the edges of the graph structure.

Below is a link to a paper, presented at Salon des Refusés in 2018, in which I gave a brief introduction to Semprola (a Semiotic Programming Language).

Semprola: A Semiotic Programming Language

Sharpe, O. (2018). Semprola: a semiotic programming language. In Conference Companion of the 2nd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Programming’18 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery.DOI:

Hopefully in the next year I will be able to spend more time developing this Semprola programming environment/language and indeed writing up more information about it here.