
Portfolism is a collection of ideas and metaphors that I’ve been developing for the best part of the last decade to try to help build a solid, philosophical foundation for taking a middle ground between the extremes of modernism and postmodernism.

On the one hand rational calculation can be extremely useful to help us understand and model the world. On the other there are well known limits of what such rational calculations could ever achieve. Some of these limits and criticism motivate the postmodern positions that lead some towards forms of unbounded relativism.

Portfolism builds a synthesis of the best ideas from both ends of this spectrum to give us confidence to always seek the healthy balance between our use of rational calculation and our judgement.

My hope is that by giving more people confidence to inhabit this sensible middle ground, portfolism will help foster a culture in which it will be easier to have healthy public discussions.

Here is a video that introduces the key ideas that underpin portfolism and the terminology that it uses: