Go Meta Blog

Exploring ideas in a way that I hope contributes to a culture of healthy public discussion.

Hello, I’m Oli Sharpe, welcome to my website where I write about a range of different topics that I’m working on or that I think are interesting to explore. The content here is organised around the following themes:

Go Meta YouTube Channel

Roughly once a month or so I try to publish a video on YouTube about an issue that I hope will be interesting to a fairly wide audience. For each video I hope to post an accompanying blog post here (time permitting!) that can expand upon the ideas the video discusses.


A long term project I have been working on is the development of a philosophical framework I call portfolism, which tries to find a constructive synthesis of the best ideas from modernism and postmodernism.


Another long term project of mine is the development of a slightly new approach to programming that I call semiotic programming. As part of this research project I am developing Semprola a programming language that tries to implement these ideas.