Our embodiment prevents unbounded relativism

The metaphor that we live in separate social bubbles is misleading because it suggests that meaningful dialogue might never be possible between people living in different bubbles.

In my latest video I argue that our embodiment in the world prevents such a level of unbounded relativism. We don’t live in separate bubbles, we live in different fingers of the same hand.

Dialects of Reason

This blog post is associated with the following video on my YouTube channel:

For the moment, here is simply a transcript of that video:

Around the world today so many public discussions descend into polarised debates in which each side thinks the other cannot think clearly or is acting disingenuously. But most people do genuinely want our societies to improve, so why can’t we discuss the options in a civil and constructive way? Obviously there are many factors at play, but I think a useful perspective on this problem is to recognise that often each side of the discussion is reasoning from a different dialect of reason. In this video I’ll explain what I mean by that.

Continue reading “Dialects of Reason”

What do we mean by the words rational and reason?

This blog post accompanies a YouTube video of the same title that outlines the definitions of the words rational and reason that I like to work with. The video explains why I think the traditional definitions don’t quite capture what we mean by these words and aren’t as solid as one would have hoped for such important words.